智能磅 – 用心磅住你!

Smart Scale – Service with care 

智能磅 是一種擁有物聯網網絡的實時跟蹤產品,它當中嵌入了傳感器和通訊軟件。智能磅可以實時監測石油氣的使用情況並將情況上報給科技部門,以方便我們的服務人員跟進,為顧客提供支援。而可以檢測的情況有石油氣燃盡,泄漏等等。

Smart scale is a real-time tracking product with an IoT network, embedded with sensors and communication software. The intelligent scale can monitor the use of petroleum gas in real-time and report the situation to the technology department, making it convenient for our service personnel to follow up and provide support to customers. The detectable situations include petroleum gas burning out, leakage, and so on.


Always remember the original intention to bring warmth to our customers , customer-oriented, and starting from the heart

泗和棧行政總監Joyce Lee 娓娓介紹智能磅設計初衷以及公司背景。科技服務社會,泗和棧一直用心觀察客戶需求,致力于提升用戶體驗,提高用戶生活質量,研發用戶需要的產品,為顧客提供最細心的服務。

Joyce Lee, the Executive Director of Sze Wo Chann, introduced the original intention of the smart scale design and the company background in detail. Technology serves society, and Sze Wo Chann has always been attentive to observing customer needs, committed to improving user experience and user quality of life, developing products that meet user needs, and providing the most meticulous service to customers.


Home is a warm place, you can always have a sip of hot soup


What does petroleum gas bring to everyone? It’s for tired people to have hot water to take a shower when they return home, it’s for a pot of hot soup and a few plates of favorite dishes on the stove. With our dedication, you can use it with peace of mind and warmth. Easy to use the smart scale, warmth can be replenished in a timely manner, let us escort your warmth~


get to know what is Smart Scale in 30s!



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#SmartlifewithSWC #Scalewithcare #Smartwithcare#ServicewithCare #SWC磅住你 #用心關照你
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