“OWN YOUR COLOUR” is a digital fashion capstone project featuring a marketing promotional campaign curated for Love Bonito. The campaign revolves around the trending theme of personal colour analysis certified by Japan Personal Color Association and is tailored for young Asian females. The campaign aims to highlight Love Bonito’s signature – collections designed to fit Asian Women’s skin tones, while raising brand awareness and expanding customer base.
At the Hysan pop-up store, personal color styling machines with personal colour test in form of interactive and experiential website are set up. It is developed by following the Practical Colour Coordinate System (PCCS) of the Japan Personal Color Association. Visitors can use the machines on site or can get access to the test by simply scanning the QR code with their own devices. Detailed and colourists endorsed reports, which match the personal test results to Love Bonito’s products, are generated to the participants, to highlight the products and increase customer brand attachment. Styling services are also available in promoting related items. Snapio selfie camera, printed coffee and styling leaflet are further used to enhance the experience. Giveaway and Instagram promotions are also in place.
For future application, the personal colour test can be integrated into e-commerce platform as category filters, helping customers pick items that best suit their skin tone.